article: “Min Hee-jin beat Hive”… Maintain Ador status
source: Nate
[+304, -36] He's the best hahahaha
[+214, -24] Shin Min Hee-jin actually won 1:1 lol.
[+183, -41] Haha Min Heejin fighting!
[+156, -10] Wow, do you want to be Paris at that company right now? Haha, just watching the drama would make going to work every day so much fun.
[+139, -23] She won because she was honest
[+45, -1] It still won't be easy for her, especially knowing that everyone in Hybe rejects her. Either way, I don't care about their petty fights. I just want to make sure they don't harm K-Pop or abuse the kids under them.
[+29, -3] As he said, come 1:1.
[+26, -5] It's really swag ^^
[+12, -7] Even after all of Hive's media play, Min Hee-jin won.
source: Nate
[+186, -23] As always, the only people on Hive's side are those with anonymous accounts.
[+163, -10] Everything that Hive claimed did not exist, there was no contact with the Saudis, no meeting with Naver or Dunamu. They just wanted her out because she wouldn't play with them.
[+160, -8] Hybe never revealed why everything they claimed didn't actually happen. All Min Hee-jin actually did was complain internally about how she was treated…
[+153, -13] Hive sucks lol They got media play all over the community boards so this is what they deserve.
[+26, -1] I wonder what all the YouTubers spreading rumors are going to do with this now.
[+20, -5] I'm really so happy
[+17, -3] As if anyone would believe that Bang Si-hyuk would be able to protect Newjin without her… Like GFriend, they would have stripped off their entire concept and attached it to Le Seraphim and Illit and disbanded Newjin.
[+15, -2] What has not been lost is the public's hatred towards Bang Si-hyuk. Can that person go away right now?~~~~~
[+13, -4] I'm really happy ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
[+13, -1] It's ridiculous that Hive was witch-hunting Min Hee-jin the whole time for literally nothing.
source: Nate
[+127, -6] Even a top-notch law firm like Kim & Chang can't do anything without a legal basis.
[+81, -1] It's so pathetic that the hive is ruining hahahaha.
[+50, -4] This is just the beginning. I'm looking forward to a documentary about their mess soon~
[+47, -5] justice triumphs
[+11, -1] Where are all the dogs that have been licking the hive?
[+8, -1] Look at Hive lol, it’s pathetic.. Ugh.
source: Naver
[+115, -5] congratulation
[+111, -18] Justice will win ???????????? It's so pathetic that Hive didn't have the guts to fight 1:1 and didn't even dare to step on Espa like they wanted by using dirty media play tactics. Poor Bang Si-hyuk ㅠㅠ
[+58, -8] Min Hee-jin can boast about throwing away Hive through KakaoTalk, but if you don't do it, you're delusional. The court can't punish you for being delusional. LOL. Poor Hive.
[+39, -7] The law is simple. It just asks whether you did it or not. Unless Hybe could prove that there was a breach of trust, then not. If what they are trying to prove is valid, the entire country will be the target of betrayal.
[+22, -4] The court's logical judgment
[+17, -2] Let me laugh for a moment hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[+13, -0] Sihyuk, Sihyuk, just focus on your group’s training, okay?
[+14, -3] The only people who are upset that Min Hee-jin won in court are the traders who bought Hive stock.
article: The court ruled that there was not enough evidence for Hive to fire Heejin Min.
source: Wikitree via Instagram
[+132] good shot
[+87] Wow, you really won ???????????????? CEO Ador ❤️❤️❤️❤️
[+21] Just win and make sure to protect New Jeans and Min Hee-jin.
[+12] As expected… Hive thought that Min Hee-jin would voluntarily resign when this incident was revealed, but in the end, she fought back with all her might. I touched the wrong person… Fighting New Cheongjin Min Hee-jin!
[+20] It's not quite over yet. The court ruled that Hee-Jin Min cannot be fired under these terms, but Hive will not take a call on the matter just yet because they can still change Ador's management.
[+4] Hive said they had all the evidence~~ I guess they just hated Hive and wanted to get out.
– [+1] If Hive actually had proof, they wouldn't have wasted so much time playing media lol.
source: MBC News via YouTube
[+375] Park Ji-won thought that he could do something related to game companies in the entertainment industry and fell in love with it.
[+225] Park Ji-won should resign
[+198] The court educated the hive lol.
[+71] Whatever decision they make… I don't know how Bang Si-hyuk and Min Hee-jin will be able to work together now. It's best to find a way to split it without taking it to court and losing everything to a law firm.
[+204] The court basically said that there could only be a breach of trust if she acted in a way that was prejudicial to Ador's interests, which she did not. Getting into conflict with a Hybe and talking crap about them is not considered a breach of trust.
[+14] Hybe doesn't seem to have any more evidence than what's already been reported in the media.
source: YTN via YouTube
[+1,100] Can the media now stop allowing companies like Hybe to pay them to write whatever they want?
[+710] So what will Hybe fans say now? Is the court also a Min Hee-jin fan? Hahahaha GOAT who won against a huge company like Hive
[+623] The media is trying to crash their stock and ruin their image hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the media is trying to ruin its image.[
[+1,300] Some people may be surprised by the results, but overall, this is what they say… There has never been a case of breach of trust at any stage of the discussion unless practical action was taken.
[+956] The fact that the court came to this point… means that Hive really had nothing lol.
[+676] Habe, look at it now~~ I thought it would be okay to make it look like a real criminal haha.
[+514] To all the Hive fans who were sure that Min Hee-jin would lose, it's such an obvious fact that no one has ever worked a day in real life haha.
video: Hive issues a statement saying, “We will respect the court’s decision.”
source: Channel A News via YouTube
[+416] Now, where is the charge of breach of trust against Hive, which caused the stock price to plummet due to an internal conflict without any evidence?
[+203] Hive’s media play was too much.
[+132] Bang Si-hyuk should be fired because he ruined Park Ji-won's stock price.
[+224] I wonder which of Hybe's brains came up with the idea of making New Jeans look like Fifty Fifty? Hybe's enjoyment of ideas and implementation of them is downright foolish.
[+154] Hive won't respect poop lol He's probably sitting in Danworld's prayer room right now praying to his mom lol
[+397] Hybe shows us how pathetic the company is.
[+253] Hive official statement: *trembles with anger*
[+137] Respect my a$$ lol.
[+163] The only breach of trust here was Bang Si-hyuk and his media play. When Jiwon Park was working in the gaming industry, he used media play tactics like this to take down competing gaming companies.