Lee Young Ae returns for the 'Dae Jang Geum' sequel

Article: Lee Young But 'Dae Jang Geum' will be repeated after 20 years… netizens under debate
Source: Cookie News via Nate
[+109, -9] I'll watch it if it's about Janggeumie in adulthood… but if they make Lee Young Ae play him as a young adult and middle-aged, I'm fine…
[+59, -6] What is the point of doing something that has already been said? Only milk this time..
[+39, -28] I like someone else. He was never my guide. He may have shined in his twenties, but his work now is.. eh
– [+20, -6] He was 36 years old at the time of 'Dae Jang Geum' too
– [+12, -2] Yes… it suits the position of the queen mother instead
[+30, -20] Don't watch if you don't like it
[+19, -23] Looking forward to it
[+4, -2] Moisturize vigorously until there is nothing left
[+3, -4] I think all the haters are young kids in their twenties who have never watched 'Dae Jang Geum' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
– ^ You're an idiot, they replay the story on MBC all the time
[+1, -0] So how much does he get for this? 500 million won per group?
[+1, -2] Why do people get mad, I'm so happy for the upset. Don't you all want to know what happened to your favorite characters after the story ended?
[+1, -1] I'm bored! It's an old story that has been told ㅜ
[+1, -1] His dramas have taken a backseat in the past few years, perhaps he feels like he needs something reliable. I don't even think she was a very good woman to begin with.
[+0, -0] No idols please
[+0, -0] Who else can play Janggeumie but Lee Young Ae…
[+0, -0] Maybe they do this for the Chinese market