Ji Chang Wook apologizes for smoking at home, he asks for permission

Article: Ji Chang Wook domestic smoking controversy next to Shin Hye sun -> apology “I'm sorry for my inappropriate behavior”
Source: OSEN via Nate
[+274, -2] But it is not certain that we should retreat into obolo, smoking in the faces of the other players. His behavior is really disappointing from him.
[+112, -4] Poor Shin Hye Sun had to be stuck there with a smile on her face because he's her senior, she couldn't even tell him
[+103, -2] You're totally losing my image. Even e-cigs are cigs.
[+82, -5] Smokers are the cancer of society
[+25, -1] Proh…
[+7, -1] It's the little things like this where a man's true character shows… As someone who personally enjoyed 'Samdal-ri', my feelings for him are cold now.
[+7, -1] Wow… you must be a human being to think it's completely appropriate not only to smoke domestically, but to look at other people's faces. Most people couldn't do something like that…
[+6, -0] I only ever think of the sun when I see it
Source: Nate
[+180, -2] E-cigs are also cigs, it's sad that smokers seem to think you can only smoke inside and in people's faces.
[+95, -1] got “permission”? It's so unfair that he knows he's in a position where if he asks, “Can I smoke here, right?” that none of them can say no… and he really thinks it's okay because it was an e-cig? ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ
[+77, -1] Yeah, this is a character issue…
[+46, -0] Wow, even with the rolling cameras…that's pretty ballsy of you
[+6, -0] People who smoke in the streets already piss me off, I couldn't stand inside, even if it was allowed before.