Lee Hong-ki explained that the hatred toward Choi Min-hwan was a groundless claim.

article: “What if Choi Min-hwan didn’t encourage prostitution?” Lee Hong-ki protects his colleagues and calls them “groundless hatred in the world”
source: OSEN via Nate
[+215, -7] Hongki, didn’t you listen to the recording?? Choi Minhwan's words asking where the women are. If he's not at the hair salon, where do you think he's looking for women that late at night? What kind of ladies?? Any logical sense would lead us to deduce that he was definitely at the hair salon.
[+140, -5] It feels like Choi Min-hwan has admitted his mistake and voluntarily stopped his activities… but Hong-ki continues to defend himself and fan the flames. Poor Lee Jae-jin, caught up in all of this…
[+106, -6] So whether he was actually soliciting prostitution or not, why would a husband and father of three go around using salon terminology in the first place? Poor Jaejin Lee, there isn't a single normal member in his band.
[+81, -4] Just screw it, both of you. Unless you have some crazy evidence to prove his innocence, you're going to bring yourself down with him. Without that evidence, staying quiet is the only way to help him.
[+66, -4] That guy is acting like a middle school student.
[+15, -0] Hong Kiya, an ordinary husband who raises children at home, will not look for his ‘ajumma’ until late at night. He deserves all the criticism he's getting, and this is not something you can defend him for. This has nothing to do with how close you are to that person or how much you love him or her. The world does not hate him “unfounded.”
[+11, -2] There's nothing in his brain but shaking
[+9, -0] Everyone knows not to interfere in marital relations.
[+8, -0] Staying quiet will help your friend more than what you are doing right now.
[+7, -0] Hatred is unfounded only if the person is innocent. Hongki, that person is innocent…