
Kim Taeri admits that she isn’t very familiar in the field of love

1. I believe that’s the reason I loved her acting in the show. She was so impressive.

2. Her acting seemed so childish yet fresh.. This made it more heartbreaking

3. It’s not easy to love.

4. She was just so great for someone who said she have a difficult time with the disease..

5. Then , what do you think of The Handmaiden ‘…

6. Eh? She was a big fan of romantic roles as ‘The Handmaiden’ as well as “Mr. Sunshine’ too…

7. It’s hilarious how introverted she’s

8. There’s no easy way to live in this world.

9. All of you, please take a moment to take a look at ‘Mr. Sunshine’

10. This is what enticed me about “Mr. Sunshine’ even more.


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