Joo JI HOON's Netflix drama 'The Trauma Code' is popular.

article: Joo JI HOON's 'The Trauma Code' did it.
source: OSEN through NATE
[+249, -8] I enjoyed it, and I hope all the smart students in the medical school will feel this kind of duty of their work. Nevertheless, I realized that my heart had to suffer too much because of lack.
[+133, -5] I completed everything in two days. Realistic appearance of the medical world. It's ridiculous, but it's fun.
[+65, -2] I tasted all episodes. Hurry up and give Season 2
[+51, -4] Give us more and finished all things and lost fireworks in life.
[+14, -3] I liked the plot moving quickly without stripes. It makes me realize how good Joo Ji Hoon is.
[+9, -2] All blockbusters are a thousand times better than surrounding the theater during the vacation. I had no idea how fast it was passing by spinning this. Joo Ji Hoon, I don't have to say anything, but the acting of Choo Young Woo surprised me. He completely melted in his personality.
[+9, -1] The plot was so good, but it was better if I moved too quickly. You can feel that the pain of all episodes ends too quickly.
[+6, -1] It was so good that I didn't know how fast the time passed ~~ ^^
[+5, -1] Many respect for the doctor ㅠㅠ