article: Jeong Ho-yeon and Lee Dong-hwi break up after 9 years… From lover to friend
source: Insight through Instagram
[+105] 9 years is almost a family… There must have been a reason…
[+126] It's just the perfect time to release some news since it's buried under Jung Woo-sung.
[+27] Oh, it's so sad to break up
[+29] Still, I think it suits them very well, but why?
[+15] 9 years has been a long time ㅠ
[+44] Did anyone know that you two were dating? lol
[+6] Still 9 years wow
[+5] Maybe Hoenn has gotten bigger now and has higher standards.
[+2] Both of you are much more famous than when you started dating and now you have more options.

article: Haters spammed GD on Instagram because they liked Jeong Ho-yeon's photo after hearing the news of GD's breakup.
source: Insight through Instagram
[+1,145] Wow, such useless hate… This is why songs like 'Power' exist.
[+377] Why can’t they just leave GD alone? Sue them all! And leave him alone!!
[+171] leave him alone
[+250] What are people talking about? GD literally loves the photos on his feed so much that even we can't keep up.
[+8] Why would anyone criticize GD for liking his photo when he likes so many feeds? Just leave it alone.
[+93] The annoying part about being a celebrity
[+69] I mean, why would anyone care about this…?
[+82] GD: I’m really into likes these days haha.
[+86] What is this nonsense?
[+1] I tell you, GD will like literally anything.