It was revealed that Jung Woo-sung is the father of Moon Ga-bi's child.

article: [Exclusive] Jung Woo-sung reveals father of Moon Gabi's child, “I will take responsibility for her precious life”
source: Sent via Nate
[+822, -3] what's the matter…
[+534, -10] So you're saying he will act as a father but will not get married?
[+424, -4] what??? It's shocking how many times I had to re-read the title to make sure I understood it correctly.
[+145] what?? It's such a coincidence;; Wow~
[+126, -6] Woo Seong-hyung, don’t worry about refugees, just worry about your son.
[+125, -1] omg;;;;
[+117, -19] I always thought his activism was very performative. Haha look what he's doing off camera. If you make her pregnant, you must marry her.
[+97, -4] So he's basically confirming that the baby is his, but he doesn't want to be tied to her through marriage…
[+95, -11] Wow… you're really working on your image to act like trash on camera lol.
[+93, -11] They're just making it official as a one-night stand ㅠㅠ I'm a Jung Woo-sung fan, but I think they're reacting poorly ㅠㅠ
[+82, -12] Jung Woo-sung, human life is not something to be treated like this.
[+79, -5] Why not pack it?? Especially if you don't want to marry that person? So are you willing to take on the role of a father but also leave your son to be raised by a single mother?
[+75, -9] Basically, there is no way in our society where a person wants to remain single and marry someone else even though they are paying child support.
[+74, -3] If I had no intention of getting married, I should have packed it up, sigh.
[+72, -6] Refugee ambassador who turned her son into a refugee
[+66, -10] They say they are responsible, but it seems like they are not responsible at all;; Someone's precious daughter just gave birth to your son and you're treating her like she's worse than an animal.
[+60, -3] Yeah, I don't think I have any intention of getting married… Wow, this is so unexpected;;
source: Nate
[+246, -10] The 'difference of opinion on dating or marriage' is interpreted as Gabi wanting to date or getting married and Jung Woo-sung not wanting to. Damn it, then why did you sleep with him? Hahaha I am not responsible for this;; this is so shocking
– [+142, -4] Judging by the fact that they made him take a paternity test, it was clear that he didn't want to have a child. And since Moon Ga-bi was Jung Woo-sung's child, of course he endured it. Ugh, why on earth are they having a one-night stand?
– [+144, -13] Now Jung Woo-sung has something to say about refugees haha.
– [+103, -9] What happens if the child doesn't marry her? I guess I'll be known as the one night stand kid ㅠㅠ
[+183, -1] Gabi, who had been quiet, is finally speaking out… Why is she angry about the dating rumors with Shin Hyun-bin and her ex Lee Ji-ah?
[+167, -1] The funny thing is, the fact that they made me take a paternity test is proof that I didn't trust Gabi haha.
[+137, -2] I thought it was illegal to take a paternity test during pregnancy, but it's usually done after birth;; It's obvious that he didn't trust her enough to wait, so why are they trying to spin the story to make it seem like she was so happy to find out that it was her son? LOL It's obvious that the woman gave birth alone.
[+16, -0] Wow, they even ordered a paternity test? Hahaha this was pretty sneaky haha.
[+10, -0] Considering the types of women Jung Woo-sung dated in the past, it seems like he was drawn to the fun experience until Moon Ga-bi got pregnant and was forced to give birth… It's sad that everyone left and the baby was born without blessing from either party, but the baby is definitely a rich man. Will be born…
source: Nate
[+184, -12] Jung Woo-sung is so messed up ㅠ.. I think Gabi exposed everything after reading Lee Ji-ah’s article haha. Was she mad that they would reveal it to someone other than herself!!!
[+53, -2] So are you saying that you two had a one night stand?
[+48, -10] Well, I don’t think Jung Woo-sung is very interested in looks.
[+43, -1] wow! One of the most shocking articles I've read recently
[+16, -2] Jung Woo-sung's life is truly a mess. A child is born after a one-night stand.
[+6, -0] I wonder if this will lead to more women having secret children with actors. It's so disgusting that these guys are walking around without packaging, and then the media reports it and says, “Oh, this baby is so precious.”
[+5, -0] I've dated Lee Ji-ah and Shin Hyun-bin, and I thought I knew them because they were similar… but I think I also like Gabi's type.
[+4, -0] It's Hollywood haha. They want to accept refugees, but it's not their son haha.
source: Nate
[+161, -5] It's so funny I can't even take my chin off lol What on earth is Jung Woo-sung lol Wow..
[+101, -7] He's over 50, what does this have to do with it? You have a child, go and marry him.
[+63, -2] Now we know why someone so handsome stays single until his 50s… he just chooses to enjoy life on his own terms.
[+46, -1] What am I reading right now… Is your father Jung Woo-sung??
[+26, -14] I'm sorry, but if I had Jung Woo-sung's genes, I would have had one too haha.
[+11, -3] Time not to finish
[+11, -2] animal kingdom…
[+7, -0] Is this why I didn't get married… so I could sleep… I'm really disappointed.
source: Nate
[+94, -3] Jung Woo-sung, what are you doing hahahahahahaha
[+75, -6] The choice of becoming a single mother must not have been easy for Gabi… Anyway, I hope she raises her child well.
[+75, -2] I'm so shocked I don't know what to say… So basically I didn't use any protection…
[+62, -2] Jung Woo-sung only paid child support, but he doesn't want to play the role of a father.
[+14, -1] I'm so disappointed in Jung Woo-sung.
[+13, -1] I was more shocked by the types of women he was willing to sleep with.
[+12, -0] When a refugee ambassador creates his own refugee
[+8, -0] It's trash… so I'll do anything, but I don't plan on taking responsibility for the baby's life lol.
source: Nate + Nate
[+102, -4] I feel bad for the baby… Since she doesn't want to get married, it's clear she didn't want a baby back then… Has Gabi thought about how the baby will feel in the future?
[+33, -1] The father is so famous that the baby will know all this as he grows up… I think it will be very heartbreaking for the child to know that the father has disowned the mother like this.
[+24, -3] Jung Woo-sung, welcome~~!!
[+66, -4] It reads pretty clearly that Gabi went against his wishes and had the baby on her own.
[+41, -2] This is probably the most shocking entertainment news after Lee Ji-ah and Seo Taiji.
[+13, -1] If only that person would do the packaging.
[+13, -1] This unexpected news
[+2, -0] Wow, that's shocking.. At least Moon Ga-bi would have won the lottery with this kid.
[+2, -0] I think Gabi's decision to have the baby was selfish… I don't think she could do this to the baby if she really loved her… but since she already had the baby, I think it would be better to raise it healthy and happy. as she can