
[INSTIZ] Winter Instagram is awesome

Someone said I have a face that collects yen.
Source: Instiz / translation: Ketizenstars

Article: Winter Instagram is a hit
1. Wow, it's really pretty!
2. Wow, I thought you had a Japanese look, but is this really a popular style in Japan? Kekekekeke It suits you well.

3. Her lips are captivating.
4. She's the type that really drives you crazy (in a good way)
5. She looks like a doll.
6. My hair is finally short, oh yeah.
7. I'm crazy…ㅠㅠㅠ
8. What did you do for your lips? The princess with the most over-lip combinations in the world.
9. The makeup is detailed and awesome.
10. I want to live with a winter face.
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