Kangin, profile photo shoot ahead of comeback after 10 years

article: 'Former Super Junior' Kangin, official return to promotion… first profile photoshoot in 10 years “I think my family will be happy”
source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+101, -2] Two DUIs, one hit and run, two assaults, and habitual absences from the reserves… Add it all up and he should never be on TV again. The only reason he's on TV now is because the punishments for all these crimes are so lenient.
[+28, -1] Wait, he also hit and run? Wow. He wasn't on TV.
[+14, -0] If he had been humble when he was at the height of his popularity, just think what kind of career he could have had now.
[+11, -1] So is there anything he can do???
[+9, -2] Shout with me! Prison! Gangin!
[+2, -0] Any company that hires such criminals should be boycotted, tsk tsk
[+3, -0] Prison Strongman
[+1, -0] What, even if you “come back” lol Do you think you'll survive the showboard petition if you go out as a guest anywhere?
[+1, -0] Drinking and driving should get you banned from the industry forever.