
[INSTIZ] Jessica, it's really fun to drive so violently.

I saw a post on Instagram, and if you compare today's photo with a photo from 11 years ago, the hairstyle, shirt, hand gestures, and facial expressions are all the same. It's really funny hahahahaha It really doesn't change.

Source: Instiz / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: It's funny how Jessica takes care of herself so intensely.

1. I watched the solo concert video and it seems like you have a lot of control.
2. The hairstyle doesn't change much…
3. Impressive..
4. I really like how she never changes.
5. Jessica is famous for her self-care. 'Cause she's so strong
6. Huh? What's so funny about her? It's really amazing lol
7. I think everything is the same except for the hair color.
8. The taste is really consistent.
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