
[INSTIZ] Irene's 10 years ago/after are a hit

Why are there 10 years between these two photos?

Source: Instiz / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Irene's 10 years ago/after is a hit.
1. Wow…

2. Did Hull intentionally make her hair, makeup, and coordination look similar? She looks the same.
3. Was that really 10 years ago? Wow.
4. I remember when I had two-tone pink hair…
5. Wow, this is ridiculous….
6. Wow…
7. The moment I saw this picture, I remembered the past.
8. Wow, I really wonder where the photos from 10 years ago went.
9. ???????? This is the first time I've seen someone who looks exactly the same even though they're 10 years apart ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. But now I have abs…
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