
In Ijia's new pictorial, the face surprised netizens.

article: Ijia, 47 years old, is he really? 'Shock' new face

source: Sports Chosun Nate

[+104, -1] If no one had told me, I would never know it was Ijia

[+62, -0] She did too much work, it doesn't look like humans

[+61, -0] These days, I think it's just a trend to change the whole face

[+31, -1] Kim Gun -hee is like

[+30, -0] She definitely pulled it again

[+5, -0] The nose is scary

[+5, -0] I pulled my face back so there's nothing to pull haha

[+3, -0] You can do anything if you have money … In the past, your face was long, but it was left behind.

[+2, -0] She can never rest her face

[+1, -0] Um … I don't understand why someone is doing this

[+1, -6] Still, 47 is handsome

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