article: Were Hani's tears effective? Former CEO Min Hee-jin returns as executive director of Ador
source: Insight through Instagram
[+744] He should return to the position of CEO, not an executive director…
[+124] All the breach of trust accusations and big talk about terminating her contract to bring her back as an in-house director. Hive, pick your lane. I don't think they even know which lane they are in right now.
[+79] This is not the end! This is just Hive telling a joke. It's not over until she returns to the CEO position.
[+52] Now give her the CEO position back.
[+47] This position doesn't matter, she should come back as CEO
[+305] Hani's attendance at the National Assembly has nothing to do with this decision.
[+39] Sihyuk, give me the ‘CEO’ position back.
[+66] There is no point in being in-house lol Hive is just doing more media play. Mr. Habe, there are two left for the National Assembly audit haha.
[+47] It's funny that Hive accuses her of breach of trust but still wants to produce and act with her as an in-house director lol.
[+139] He was always an internal director, but he gave the CEO back;;
[+107] CEO Min Hee-jin, I support human to human..!
[+31] Unless you are the CEO, she will always be held back by restrictions. She can't do anything without the CEO's approval.