Bang Si-hyuk shares photos with computer scientist Andrew Ng

article: Bang Si-hyuk, looking slimmer in recent photos “Why is the wall bent?”
source: Top Star News via Nate
[+57, -4] Look at all the fruit juice bursting out of that guy's body. What a sweet guy.
[+27, -2] How can he be smiling now?
[+23, -42] “Why is the wall warped?” What do you mean? Are you trying to imply that he photoshopped the photo? How cruel, no wonder children imitate such cruel behavior.
– [+3, -1] Here's another guy who invested his life savings in Hive stocks and took it out here lol
– [+18, -10] Did Sihyuk write this?
[+17, -25] I don't like that guy either, but I can't say the wall is bent, I think it causes hatred
[+7, -3] This picture is so misleading because in the Beverly Hills picture he looks much bigger lol Stop photoshopping the picture and eat less lol
[+5, -0] You looked so fat in your fruit juice pictures a while back, you must have lost a lot of weight in the meantime.
[+4, -0] Haha are you having fun?
[+3, -0] Lose weight, whether you photoshop or not. He and Kim Jong Un are always in health crisis.