Former Brave Girls Yujeong, a new start with a new acting transformation

article: Mr. Yujeong, was the pain of the breakup too great? A new start with a ‘new face’
source: Sports Chosun, via Nate
[+70, -0] After putting in so much effort to turn the Brave Girls back into men, what is she going to do now?
[+49, -1] At least the other members are still relevant enough to do small events here and there. Unfortunately, I am trapped here due to celebrity disease… I wonder if I will ever be able to succeed as an actor.
[+34, -2] I have no talent and I can't sing.
[+16, -0] My chin got weird because of the chin surgery.
[+7, -0] It's not the face I remember;;
[+1, -0] The turtle-ness is gone.. ㅠㅠ I liked it a lot better before.
[+1, -0] The picture is strange.. The Yujeong I remember is not pretty ㅡㅡ