
Fan claims she was harassed by aggressive bodyguards at Irene's fan signing event

article: Controversy at Irene's fan signing event where “a staff member touched her breasts” -> Spread of criticism

source: X Sports News via Nate

[+67, -1] Please stop…

[+39, -1] Then don't go

[+34, -1] Why go if you know you will be treated like this?

[+24, -6] Don't you think security is becoming more stringent because we had to deal with worse situations before?

[+12, -6] But did the sheriff have the right to touch the audience and give orders? I don't think I have any legal rights…

[+7, -1] Irene is not worth this, tsk tsk

[+3, -0] Oh, do you still have fans?

[+3, -0] It's unfortunate, but I think security companies have the right to keep celebrities as safe as possible.

[+1, -0] Okay, I'll be treated like this, but I still won't complain about the fan signing event.

[+0, -0] Don't go… Your parents didn't give birth to you so that you could go out and be treated like this.

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