Even lawyers were shocked by Yulhee's revelation of Choi Minhwan.

article: Lawyers were also surprised by Yulhee's revelation of Choi Min-hwan, saying, “They are familiar with room salons.”
source: Star News through Nate
[+218, -0] Why bother getting married if all you want is to use your ass however you want? What if you live alone your whole life and suffer from a sexually transmitted disease alone?
[+119, -9] Good job Yulhee…you did a good job releasing and publicizing the recording. It's clear you were making time for this moment. You'd better make sure your ex never gets out of this situation. congratulation! I hope you get custody and raise it well!
[+85, -10] If he had been single, the backlash certainly wouldn't have been this severe, but if he was a husband and father of three… why would he even need to get married?
[+9, -0] Listening to the recording… I'm sure I've been there several times since I got married. Counting his bachelor days as at least 100 years, his body count is unimaginable…
[+5, -0] I don't think you need to be a lawyer to know there's something wrong with that guy. Even elementary school students can tell.
[+3, -0] I don't know why my parents do this when I see them on TV… How embarrassing must that be?
[+2, -1] So what’s next for him? No more drumming. Moving bricks?
[+1, -0] Ugh, behavior is important.. He used to look so cute and innocent, but now he looks dirty.