Dispatch Releases New Jeans Pre-Debut Training Video Without Adore's Consent

source: Dispatch via YouTube
[+3,100] Ah, this is a video that was leaked internally.. Since when has Dispatch been a subsidiary of Hive? Anyway, thank you for uploading a video to celebrate our 2nd anniversary ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+1,500] Oh, did Dispatch think they were revealing some huge secret by posting this video?? I thought the girls here were so cute that I thought they were giving them presents.
[+366] I don't know why Haibe is so obsessed with “Sauce Practice Room” in this title. New Jeans was supposed to debut under Source, but since Le Seraphim debuted under Source first, we all know that Min Hee Jin had to prepare Adore in order to debut. What kind of frame is Haibe trying to frame here? Source prepared New Jeans all, but Adore stole them? Then they should have kept their promise from the beginning. They debuted New Jeans first. Then Min Hee Jin wouldn't have had to create Adore. Even Min Hee Jin herself admitted that New Jeans debuted under Source before Adore. It's such a shame.
[+647] If anything, releasing this music video feels like an insult to Bang Si-hyuk's insight into good music, because it's basically proof that great songs like “Attention” and “Hype Boy” would never have come out into the world if Min Hee-jin hadn't brought them out.
[+437] What pisses me off about Hybe:
#1 No response to Dahn World Scandal
#2 Bringing up the New Jeans plagiarism controversy and covering up the TWS plagiarism controversy
#3 Attacking Adore without considering the artist using its affiliates such as Belief and Source
#4 I requested a 1:1 interview at Min Hee-jin's press conference, but the cowards just keep hiding behind the media and doing dirty things.
#5 New Jeans are technically considered artists within the company, but they are constantly trying to bury them.
[+158] In this video, the old men came up with a disgusting idea, but when they moved it to Adore, they cut it all out and rewrote it, which is funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+247] Wow, so this group is down to five people, Min Hee Jin, now New Jeans. Her eye for talent is just… she can see the future.
[+479] What is H.I.B trying to say here? Min Hee Jin knew that 5 was the best, and she also wanted to be in charge of the branding from start to finish, and that was given to her, and now the 5-member New Jeans we know today was born. But in the end, it all worked out, right? LOL. Did H.I.B just want to bring out Shaman? I'm so glad we finally got a training video of New Jeans because they look so cute and skilled in it.
[+161] Just googling it will show you that Hybe's dates are all wrong. Min Hee Jin joined Hybe in July 2019 -> right when Hybe was moving buildings and rebranding. They also merged with Source and held global auditions using Min Hee Jin's name.. all in the news. So why is Source claiming to have done all the work?
– [+26] I believe Hybe is using its last resort to control the media's view because it knows the breach of trust investigation is not in their favor.
[+391] Fact one: This video has more views than the article that Dispatch exposed… Newzin free promotion ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+482] I just read Adore's official statement..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's neat. I support New Jeans.
[+795] Oh wait, is this Hive Media Play?? I thought Ador randomly gifted us this precious footage;; Anyway, look how talented these kids are…
[+87] Hybe is so obvious. They did a media play a few days before New Jeans came back, and now they're doing this right on the 2nd anniversary. Their media play is always so transparent.
[+217] What is Haibee trying to say with this video? Given that Hani is already there and they are practicing 'Attention', it is clear that Min Hee Jin has already taken the lead at this point.
– [+14] Highbee claims that this video is from when So Sung-jin was the CEO of Source, and that there was already 'attention' etc. before Min Hee-jin started playing the media as if she had created it, and Source released this video, presenting evidence that this video is theirs and not So Sung-jin's.
– [+119] For Min Hee-jin, 'interest' was given to her personal contact number, 250.
– [+74] What are you doing lol Min Hee Jin personally received songs from 250 people
– [+44] Basically, when these guys were all trainees at Source, Bang Si-hyuk suggested that Min Hee-jin and Source make a group together, but when you see the kids do sexy dances, you know that Min Hee-jin… What's this old man's concept? He just gave it all away and said he'd do whatever he wanted, rather than ruining my career with this mess ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+383] Min Hee Jin basically put a lot of effort into revising this concept to something more refreshing and new. It is clear that the current New Jeans we know is made by Min Hee Jin. Everyone in the comments can already sense that this is not the right direction for the group.
[+774] Putting all this bullshit media play of Hive aside, I'm glad there's a pre-debut video of NewJeans lol
[+68] Hybe had to cut out the media play that said Source owned 'Attention' because it was made by 250 people.
[+41] It's funny how I thought Dispatch was doing something with the video title 'Source Music Training Room' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+212] And the history of New Jeans continues to expand…
[+142] The real comedy is that Hive's media play is not popular with the public. Are you embarrassed, Dispatch? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+370] It's really funny that HYBE says 'Attention' was the original source song ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Min Hee Jin hired choreographer Black Cube for this choreography, but she received the source song from 250 for years and liked it so much that she kept it for years. It's a song that Bang Si Hyuk rejected because he didn't like it ㅋㅋ
[+56] Hybe is out again? You used BELIF at first, but now you use Source?
[+756] Wow, I'm glad Min Hee Jin debuted separately. What was she doing before she fixed her 'Attention' dance? Why was she crawling on the floor…
[+1,100] Hive, thanks for the media play. With that we also got the girls' practice videos lol
[+175] Wow, I just read Ador's statement. So Min Hee Jin's plan fell through in '21, so Haibe gave her his label to work for, and Source started copying it, so Min Hee Jin sued -> and Source apologized lol. Now I know why she was so sensitive about ILLIT.
[+1,800] Fortunately, only 5 people debuted.
[+426] New Jeans are perfect as they are now. If Hybe had had his way with all these ideas, it would have tarnished the image we know now.

source: Dispatch via YouTube
[+710] Oh my goodness Min Hee Jin saved the girls from Haibe;;; It's obvious that she saved the girls from this shithole. Look how crappy the choreography Haibe originally planned for the girls was.
[+784] There's no way Dispatch got permission from Adore and New Jeans to post this video. They provided the video so they don't need permission from Hive but if they post it like this, won't it only hurt the members? They're just kids and now they realize that their past is being used to create malicious accusations;; It's clear that this video isn't being used to promote them in a positive way
[+244] How could Hive do something like this? Leaking private KakaoTalk messages to a YouTube channel that spreads all kinds of rumors, and releasing these old videos without consent. This seems like a clear attempt to tarnish the image of New Jeans, but how is it not considered a breach of trust for Hive?
[+511] No one would believe that Minhee Jin would want this concept for New Jeans, especially Minji who claims to have fallen in love with her at first sight. If I were a producer, I would be sick of seeing my group's videos being released with a completely different vibe and concept than what I gave them.
[+1,200] As more and more leaks like this emerge, one thing is clear: Hybe has no intention of protecting New Jeans.
[+405] So what? Dispatch, what are you trying to say? What did Hybe tell you to say when he uploaded this video? This video proves that Min Hee Jin did the right thing by taking the girls out of this concept.. What are these high heels.. You're kidding me…
[+722] Just by watching this video, it becomes clear why Min Hee-jin didn't want to work with Bang Si-hyuk and why all of Bang Si-hyuk's girl groups failed.
[+1,000] Then Dispatch, who gave you this video? Did you hack Hybe for it? Haha …
[+457] Hive's media play team is a rock lol. If they wanted this angle to work, their product should have gotten worse under Min Hee Jin, but it didn't, and they actually thrived under her. It's actually disgusting that Hive's great idea is to take these little girls and make them wear high heels and do sexy dances…
[+632] And of course this video was released without the consent of the members. HYBE is trash.
[+580] This was uploaded without the girls' consent. Both the members and their parents are filing a petition to have it removed.
[+464] High B fans kept telling Min Hee Jin not to use the members for her own cases, but it looks like High B is selling not only the members' pasts but also their medical records ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+397] Once again, Min Hee Jin's directing skills prove to be a genius… Luckily, she took over and debuted the group we know today.
[+395] Dispatch is really cunning in playing with the media as if the 'Attention' that 250 gave to Min Hee Jin belongs to Hive.
[+1,200] Thank you for celebrating New Jeans' 2nd anniversary with this rare video ㅋㅋ
[+362] Conclusion = If there was no Min Hee-jin, the New Jin we know would not exist.
[+493] Of all the training videos Hybe has, I really doubt they would have deliberately chosen one with minors wearing these outfits and dancing like this… What other reason could there be other than to hurt the image of New Jeans? I hope their parents and everyone at Ador label sue Dispatch for everything because the intention here is clear. They want to hurt the image of the group.
[+685] It seems like Hive can't go a day without attacking Newjins…
[+248] Source logo, minor high heels, this is all a mess ㅋㅋ It's true that Min Hee Jin took it out ㅋ
[+636] In this video, Hyein is a middle school student and she's told to wear heels and dance like this.. ㅋㅋ Thank goodness Min Heejin took her. Hive is a really old-fashioned company.
[+131] Seeing this makes me have more faith in Min Hee-jin.
[+422] Seeing Haibe go crazy with media play once again makes me think she's winning in court once again.
[+296] There's no way the source made these kids dance in high heels. Fuck.
[+161] Look at the videos Hive released of elementary and middle school kids wearing high heels and doing sexy dances… They have no intention of protecting their group at all. They are just trying to bring them down with all their might. Hive is not human.