
Could Joy leave SM and pursue acting?

article: [Exclusive] Red Velvet's Joy, Leaving SM…Looking into Actor Agencies

source: Star News via Nate

[+32, -2] Actress lol

[+15, -2] “Actress” lol do you really think it's easy lol

[+10, -2] Or are you preparing for marriage?

[+4, -0] Girl groups seem to think that being an actor is an easy job that anyone can do… Girl groups that just go out to the field when they're bored ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+4, -0] I wonder if she will really leave SM

[+3, -0] I like Joy, but… not as an actress. I don't think she's particularly talented.

[+2, -0] Girl group actress = unemployed

[+2, -0] Don't go, Joy… ????

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