
Can Le Seraphim regain their momentum with their comeback with 'Crazy'?

article: 'Skill controversy' Le Seraphim, comeback after half a year, can he restore his image?

source: Wikitree Instagram

[+127] Why do they force them to sing in front of the public? They are so scared to do it that they cry? Please don't force them to come back.

[+26] It's really unfortunate that I've been an idol for over 10 years and I'm this bad

[+16] Because there is no main vocalist.

[+5] I'm so scared of singing, what else can I do…

[+3] I was really curious about what the vocal trainer in that documentary was thinking at that moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+8] They just don't get it. They need to stop labeling criticism as hate and get in the practice room.

[+13] Perhaps the concept is, “We got here by working hard because we're better than you.”

[+10] They have three scandals to overcome: Coachella chaos + Hive stock crash + pro-Japanese image in music video

[+34] If you can't overcome the scandal, what else can you do but fail…?

[+2] They have already dug their own graves many times, even when they could have kept quiet.

[+15] I don't think their bad songs can be fixed

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