article: A 12-year-old Cambodian princess who dreams of becoming the next ‘Lisa’… “Going to Korea to debut as an idol”
source: Insight through Instagram
[+221] Her face is already so pretty, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of hair and makeup she will show in Korea ????????
[+155] Guys, he's just a 12 year old kid with a dream, don't be too harsh.
[+195] Do you think idol debut is a joke?
[+10] She gives me Seo Ye-ji vibes
[+89] I don't think it's very pretty ????
– [+12] Look at Lisa's pre-debut photos. She's already prettier.
[+124] Some of you are being too harsh on someone who is only 12 years old.
[+36] It's pretty, but it's a shame it's not idol material.
[+37] She's probably already living a luxurious life as a princess, so why?
[+2] It's definitely closer to an actress's face than an idol's.
[+18] It's really pretty…but something doesn't match the idol????
[+6] Maybe it's not a bad idea for diplomatic purposes, but I wish people would be realistic about how difficult idol training is. If her passion and will to become one are sincere, I support her.
[+13] Ladies and gentlemen, please shut up and support me haha