
Big Bang Celebrates 18th Anniversary Despite Fans Blocking Comments

article: What Happened to TOP and Big Bang? Celebrating Big Bang's 18th Anniversary, TOP Blocks GD-Taeyang Mentions

source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+124, -0] Gwanghee may not seem like a serious person on the outside, but he has eyes that see through people.

[+38, -0] Will he be in 'Squid Game 2'? Look at that character at work… he's ruining the show before it even airs.

[+31, -0] Han Seo-hee's ex-boyfriend

[+24, -0] Well, he already enjoyed their glory days and left right after they didn't do much for the group anyways… but I wonder what went so wrong between them that he made it so obvious by erasing them. His current fame is possible because of his past as Big Bang… it's a huge blow to the fans.

[+6, -0] Haha …

[+4, -0] Anyway, I'm glad he doesn't use Big Bang's name for his own benefit like a coward ^^^^^^

[+3, -0] Big Bang was originally supposed to promote as a duo with Taeyang and GD.

[+2, -0] Top is the same age as Seungri and they are still close haha

[+1, -0] He's really joking

[+1, -0] I guess he thinks he became famous because of me lol

[+1, -0] How arrogant that guy would have an awful lot of time to stop them.

[+1, -0] What can you do when you think he has earned his wealth solely through his own merits?

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