
[INSTIZ] Hul suzy tattooed behind the neck?

Is that a heart? How beautiful!

Source: Instiz / translation : KpopNetizen
Article: Did Hul suz tattoo behind the neck?

1. Hul, I didn't know …! This is the first time I've seen it for the first time
2. She also has one on her finger.
> I found this opinion. Cute … ♡

3. There is a photo shoot where you can clearly see the tattoo.
> This

4. Your profile is crazy.
5. ㅇㅇ I haven't done it for a long time. People don't know it because you don't see it well.
6. She is really a goat …
7. She looks pretty because she is a resin.
8. Yes, he has been there for a long time. Details are very beautiful and special on the day of dressing.
9. Why do tattoos look innocent in suzy?
10. Then she did a tattoo.
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