
[THEQOO] New Jeans Surprises with 2024 Chuseok Hanbok Photos

New Jeans updates Chuseok Hanbok photos. Have a happy Chuseok with New Jeans????

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Comments: [631]
Source: Deoku / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: New Jeans, a surprise gift with a photo of Chuseok Hanbok in 2024

1. Minji really looks like a Joseon beauty.
2. So elegant and pretty. She looks just like a noblewoman.

3. As expected, the video is so beautiful. The colors of the hanbok are luxurious and the new jeans are so pretty.

4. You are so pretty, you look like a fairy.
5. Hanbok goes well with New Jeans

6. So elegant and pretty ㅠㅠ

7. It's so pretty ㅠㅠ I really appreciate the aesthetics of New Jeans.
8. The hanbok is so pretty and the new jeans are so cute and quirky.

9. The princesses are so cute and elegant.

10. Wow, the aesthetics are really great.

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