
[PANN] Jenny, please use the umbrella ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Fan: And…maybe…
Fan: (suddenly) Would you like an umbrella?

Jenny: (looking around) But you don't have an umbrella?

Fan: (cute) No lol please make umbrellas popular hehe

Jenny: Umbrella!!! Ooooh!!!

Jenny: (nods)

No, but please make umbrellas a trend… (T/N: Many Koreans like to use umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, but it doesn't necessarily look “trendy” or weird)
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answer: [+260,-29]
Comments: [54]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen
Article: Jenny, please use an umbrella ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

1. [+104, -18]
Should I call it a trend? LOL If you want to use it, use it. Koreans worry too much about what other people think. I've always used it only in the summer, and I'm a college student. It's so hot these days that more and more people are using it. Now it's become common for people to carry umbrellas. I don't know why they're so embarrassed when they're not even wearing underwear.
2. [+58, -4]
Women tend to not care what others think when they wear something, but men tend to care. Hahaha.
3. [+41, -2]
Can I just use it…?
4. [+32, -4]
Looking at the reactions here, I remember when fans were confused because I always wear the same shirt, and then they said “you're cute”ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

“I don't have an umbrella”
5. [+30, 0]
Many people use umbrellas throughout the summer. They also use sunscreen.
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