
[PANN] An Yu-jin from Summer Sonic

Damn pretty

Views: [51,103]

answer: [+134,-26]
Comments: [28]
Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Summer Sonic's An Yu-jin.

1. [+24, 0]
It's so pretty even just looking at the screenshot…

2. [+22, 0]
Imagine having that face and not missing a beat when it comes to dancing or singing. That's a gem… Seriously, that's a crazy versatile product.

3. [+20, -1]
I think it looks pretty refreshing and pretty even when it's soaked in sweat.

4. [+14, 0]
Wow, it's really so pretty.

5. [+8, 0]
This is definitely the epitome of long wavy hair.
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