
[PANN] Before and after changing NMIXX style

NMIXX, which has recently been receiving good responses for its style transformation
This is a before and after comparison


They were either too colorful, too flashy, or too black. Their combinations were very difficult to achieve and looked chaotic.


(They changed their style and training since college parties)

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Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: NMIXX Before and After Style Change.

One. [+26, 0]
I thought this set was really good.

2. [+17, 0]
This really shows that her stylist was her anti…

three. [+15, 0]
I'm not even from NSW but I'm glad they changed their style.

4. [+15, 0]
When I debuted with OO, my styling was okay, but at some point it started to get weird.
5. [+14, 0]
Putting the tall members in the center makes the whole team look huge! I like the new style, but I really like the current lineup.
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