
[PANN] Wow, this winter was really pretty

I had an Espa concert today and the picture was posted on Twitter. It was so pretty that I saved it right away.

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Source: board / translation: Ketizenstars

Article: Wow, this winter was really pretty.

One. [+17, -1]
LED display during The drama was real…

2. [+13, -1]
Is that really his face reflected on the LED screen?… His appearance is crazy.

three. [+10, -1]
The on-site response was very good. She was great.

4. [+9, -1]
He played the solo so well that I was surprised. The song selection was really great. He even wrote the lyrics and melody himself. I'm looking forward to his solo album.
5. [+8, -1]
The half-up hair and hair band go so well together.
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