
2NE1's DARA takes legal action on minor exploitation opinions.

article: “Lie on the age of 14 years”

source: Sports Chosun through NATE

[+258, -4] I am curious, but is it considered to be an exploitation of S*XUAL to watch minors, games, basketball, and watch movies? Exactly what S*XUAL is about their relationship? Does the media call S*XUAL exploitation to start witch hunting to her?

[+140, -5] I am curious about the intention of emphasizing the media

[+88, -3] S*XUAL exploitation is such an exaggeration. Do we don't know what the word means ??? Sandara didn't do something to compliment, but I don't think she should hate this about this ….

[+73, -3] Okay, the media blows it without proportional to this, and Sandara tries to sound as if he had done this recently, and dated her teens about her age.

[+9, -0] Games and basketball at the age of 19 and 14 are not considered S*XUAL drowning.

[+6, -0] The media recently made Sandara Park sound like a minor at her recent age.

[+5, -0] But was it not two minors at the time?

[+4, -0] The ratio flew too much … just sounded like 19 years old and the 14 -year -old date was very g. Why are people so aggressive about it? And s*xual exploitation? Are you serious? Where is the evidence that Sandara slept with the man?

[+3, -0] Media that the media sounds like a 14 -year -old date

[+2, -0] Sandara has the right to take legal action. S*xual exploitation? It's really a joke.

[+2, -1] I think that if the gender is reversed, the opinion will be very different …

[+2, -0] I will admit.

[+1, -1] When it became real, he talked about this man and he would have been over.

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