'2024 MAMA' Bruno Mars and Rose's pre-recorded 'APT' lip sync disappoints some viewers

article: Bruno Mars x Rose 'APT', pre-recording criticized… '2014 MAMA Awards' cold ending
source: X Sports News through Nate
[+140, -3] Why do we keep this going in the US and Japan?? Haha, it's so funny. It made absolutely no sense, especially in the low quality broadcasts it resulted in.
[+92, -7] I waited 3 hours to see Bruno Mars… but in the end, the lip sync was pre-recorded… it's a shame.
[+63, -5] The promotion for the first stage release, everything to disappoint us like this…
[+49, -2] MAMA also has no dignity at all lol.
[+16, -1] Why do you have to record the lip sync in advance? I'm disappointed.
[+14, -1] I can't believe they pre-recorded the lip sync at the awards ceremony. Don't say 'I can only sing this one song' instead of singing several songs together and pre-recording one song as a sub.
[+8, -1] At least those of us who were watching at home had nothing to lose, but I can't imagine the idiots who were waiting for the live performance at the venue.
[+7, -1] Out of basic consideration for the fans who came a long way, they could have just sung it live… Why do you pre-record it?
[+5, -0] Was this held in Japan again?????
[+4, -0] No manners to show something pre-recorded.
[+3, -1] Hahaha, it feels like I got slapped in the face~ It’s such a mess.
[+3, -2] The international response has been positive, but it's only us Koreans who are so angry about this! What a shame!
[+2, -1] All that fanfare for pre-recording.