YouTuber Lee Jin-ho claimed that Yul-hee did not pay child support.

article: Yulhee-Choi Minhwan divorce details…no division of property, no child support, left home for 5 days
source: OSEN via Nate
[+266, -9] He's raising three kids by himself, so the least she can do is pay child support, right? Imagine if she got custody and he didn't pay child support she would be up in arms…
[+225, -3] You left home and left behind three children? But now I'm crying on a variety show?
[+176, -3] That Instagram donation must be good for blowing up the family haha.
[+20, -1] No child support… Are you really a mother? Forget everything else. The least she can do is pay child support.
[+18, -1] She's the worst mother…she should at least pay child support. If she had custody and he didn't pay child support, she'd be up in arms.
[+15, -1] So if they didn't split the property and she didn't have to pay child support, he just showed her the door.
[+12, -0] It gives me goosebumps that I'm cosplaying as a victim on TV right now.
[+10, -0] It was a really big deal for her. You don't have to pay a penny for childcare, but you can see them whenever you want. She has no sense of responsibility at all. Even though I am a woman, I would be publicly shamed if my man was found not paying child support.
[+6, -0] Minhwan Choi is a saint